Users that have participated in the previous Beta of MSE test program are already receiving invitations for the next test program from Microsoft Connect. In the case you were a tester in the past, you should look in your inbox for the invitation that reads: If you didn’t received an invitation and you are interested on participating on the program to try out and help to improve Security Essentials, you should sign up now on Microsoft Connect, because Microsoft is only allowing a handful of users to test the Beta program. Microsoft plans to include a good number of enhancements with this new version:

Enhanced protection through automatic malware remediation – The Beta will clean high-impact malware infections automatically, with no required user interaction. Enhanced performance – The Beta includes many performance improvements to make sure your PC performance isn’t negatively impacted. Simplified UI – Simplified UI makes Microsoft Security Essentials Beta easier to use. New and improved protection engine – The updated engine offers enhanced detection and cleanup capabilities.

As in Microsoft Security Essentials 2 is compatible with Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP, and protects users from a wide range of malicious software (virus, spyware, trojan, worms, etc.); there is a good chance that the software maker will keep the same compatibility support, with the addition of compatibility for Windows 8, but with the difference that MSE will be integrated right into the operating system. Source Microsoft Malware Protection Center All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.