Although, the software giant is touting Surface Hub as the one app that will help you to “get the most of your Surface”, the app is pretty limited and it only offers a way to change which version of OneNote (desktop or Universal app) the pen top button opens. And you’ll be able to customize the sensitivity curve of the pen as you draw. So if you’re not an artist and you don’t use OneNote, it’s almost pointless to install the app at this moment.

The Surface Hub brings only small improvements, there’s still no customization for the two buttons on the side of the pen and you cannot choose to open other applications with the top button, such as Photoshop or Fresh Paint.

Even though the new app isn’t for everyone, Surface Hub will get future updates to include other useful customization for the Surface tablet family. Source Windows Store All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.