Now with a new software update, the Touch Cover and Type Cover will have new functionalities to make the keyboard work more like a traditional full keyboard. What are these new functionalities? Well, the software maker is adding a few changes, from now on on the keyboards you’ll be able to switch between the functionality on the top row of keys. Currently, you need to press the Fn key to access the secondary function. Now you can simply press Fn + Caps and you can permanently use the secondary functionalities without having to use the Fn key. Additionally, a few new commands are coming to both the Touch Cover and Type Cover Surface keyboards. They are listed below: Update: These new features are part of the June 11, 2013, firmware update from Microsoft. Source Surface Blog All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.