This week in Windows 8 you’ve learned quiet a few things like: how to troubleshoot boot issues with the new Windows 8 Startup menu, I’ve shown you two different ways to bring back the good old classic Start menu by disabling Metro style, you also learned how to fix Windows 8 Metro style apps when they don’t open, and many other useful how-to’s to get you started with the next Microsoft’s operating system. And in Google news, this week the giant of search open up Google+ to everyone; now anyone can sign up for the social network — don’t forget to use your real name when you sign up, because Google is being very serious about it. Last, but not least Google Chrome 14 was released to the stable channel and in the same week Google Chrome 15 made it to the beta channel, crazy right? — check out the links to learn what’s new and to get the download links. Here is what you might have missed: What’s new on Facebook

How to remove Facebook News Ticker [Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera] How to disable Facebook Timeline [Step-by-step]  More new Facebook changes on the way – Only what you need to know [Video]  How to enable Facebook Timeline right now [Step-by-step]  What’s new on Facebook – Only what you need to know [Video] 

Everything else

Download Google Chrome 15 Beta – New Tab page redesigned Download Autumn themes for Windows 7 [Desktop Fun]  Windows 8 Startup menu: Troubleshoot boot issues in developer preview  Pandora HTML5 redesign has been rolled out and no more 40 hour cap  Windows 8 speed test VS Windows 7 [Video]  Windows 8 StartMenu gadget brings back the classic Start menu in a snap  Windows 8 boot re-engineered to be super fast [Video] Google+ is open to the masses – no more invitation required  Windows 8: How to bring back the classic Start menu [Trick]  Windows 8 apps will not open on click? Here’s how to fix it  Google Chrome 14 released to the stable channel  How to Dual-Boot Windows 7 and Windows 8 step-by-step  Fix Windows 8 Developer Preview product key problem

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