Threshold wave 2 is set to be the first significant update the operating system will receive after it’s officially release. The update won’t be just another patch, it will be an update that will focus to bring more optimization and stability to Windows 10, but it won’t include any new features. The update is currently planned to roll out in October, which is only three months after the official launch. And the time frame makes some sense, during this period Microsoft will have time to collect telemetry information about new computer running the operating system and unique configurations, and it will be valuable information the company can use to improve Windows 10. As you already know, Microsoft is moving toward to offer Windows as a Service model, as such the company is being extra careful to what features can be included on a particular update. Previously, we heard that various features that were expected to be included with the launch of Windows 10 will be postponed for later update, as such it’ll be interesting to see if “Threshold wave 2” will include the new Skype messaging app, the ability to install app on SD cards for desktops and tablets, or extensions for Microsoft Edge. However, do not get your hopes up, as Redstone seems to be the update that will actually include some significant updates and new features, and it’s set to release some time in 2016. For now, Threshold wave 2 will be an update that will optimize and make Windows 10 more stable. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.