All I just mentioned brings me to the tip I want to share with everyone today. Not long ago, Google has created Page Speed Online, which is a Web tool that you or anyone can use to analyze the content of a Web page and it generates a report with suggestions on how you can improve a site and make it faster. One cool feature of Page Speed Online analyzer is that you can generate suggestions to improve a site for desktop computers and for mobile devices. This tool is pretty easy to use, just visit the Page Speed Online Website, type a Web page URL, click the down-arrow, choose which suggestion you want to generate, click the Analyze Performance button and wait several seconds until the test is finished. That simple! I have tried it, and in the test my site score a 81 out of 100, which means that it is a fair number, but there still room for improvement — higher score means that there is a little room for improvement and lower score means that there is more room for improvement–. Always remember that having a fast site translates in a better user experience, and reducing the page load times can decrease bounce rate and increase conversion rates. We are interested on what you have to say; give Page Speed Online a try and be the first to tell us your experience. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.