On Wednesday, Twitter announced in its developer forum that in July will be removing the 140 character limit on direct messages on favor of up to 10,000 character long messages. Of course, public Tweets will continue to be 140 characters long — nothing will change here. The micro-blogging company is revealing the news now to allow other applications and services to modified their software to handle the new longer format on DMs. While it’s obvious that Twitter is keeping its word about big changes coming to the platform, it is still unclear the future plans for Direct Messages, since by simply adding a little more functionality, such as formatting tools, DMs could easily become a new sort of email service. Big changes will continue to happen, recently the company made huge modifications to its ad system to increase advertisers and revenue. In addition, Twitter has added new features to its service, it has launched Periscope to complete with Meerkat, and more. Source Twitter All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.