Whatever the reason, Windows 11 includes many ways to uninstall applications regardless of the type or source using the Settings app, Start menu, Control Panel, Command Prompt, and PowerShell. This guide will teach you several ways to remove an application on Windows 11 22H2 or 21H2.

Uninstall apps on Windows 11 from Settings Uninstall apps on Windows 11 from Start Uninstall apps on Windows 11 from Search Uninstall apps on Windows 11 from Optional Features Uninstall apps on Windows 11 from Control Panel Uninstall apps on Windows 11 from Command Prompt Uninstall apps on Windows 11 from PowerShell

Uninstall apps on Windows 11 from Settings

To remove an app, use the Windows 11 uninstaller with these steps: Once you complete the steps, the app will be removed from Windows 11.

Uninstall apps on Windows 11 from Start

To uninstall Windows 11 apps from the Start menu, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the application will be removed from the computer. You can also right-click an app from the “Pinned” section and select the “Uninstall” option to remove it.

To uninstall apps from Windows Search, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the program will be removed from your computer.

Uninstall apps on Windows 11 from Optional Features

You can also remove built-in apps on Windows 11 known as “optional features” or “features on-demand,” some of which include apps like Notepad, Paint, WordPad, Windows Media Player, and many others. To remove optional features from Windows 11, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the app will no longer be available on Windows 11.

Uninstall apps on Windows 11 from Control Panel

To uninstall a program on Windows 11 from Control Panel, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the application will be uninstalled. However, using this method, you can only remove win32 apps. You can’t uninstall modern apps from the Microsoft Store. Also, in future releases of Windows 11, Microsoft plans to remove this experience in favor of the Settings app option.

Uninstall apps on Windows 11 from Command Prompt

To uninstall an app from Command Prompt with the winget command, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the traditional or modern application will be completely removed from Windows 11. In the command, change the APP-ID for the “Id” of the app. For example, this command removes the TikTok app:

While this guide shows you several ways to uninstall apps, some applications will include an “Uninstall” option within the folder created in the Start menu. Some others are standalone apps that don’t register with the system, and you can remove them by simply deleting the folder.

Uninstall apps on Windows 11 from PowerShell

Although you can remove most apps from the Settings app, some built-in apps like Cortana, Camera, Clock, Get Help, and others don’t have an uninstall option, but you can still use PowerShell to remove them. To uninstall apps using PowerShell commands on Windows 11, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the app will no longer be available on the computer, but you can always reinstall it using the Microsoft Store.

If you want to see all the Windows 11 apps installed on the computer, type the following command and press Enter: The command will return a long list of apps, which can be overwhelming, but you need to do this to know the name of the apps you want to uninstall. For instance, if you want to uninstall the Camera app, you will notice that the system name is “Microsoft.WindowsCamera” in the listing. In the command, replace PROGRAM-NAME with the application’s actual name, as listed in the above step. For example, this command uninstalls Cortana on Windows 11:

Using this method, you can only remove Microsoft apps. You can’t remove third-party apps like Google Chrome. For third-party apps, you may be able to use the Windows Package Manager (winget) tool, Settings app, and Control Panel. If you are dealing with a problematic app that can’t be uninstalled, check your software support website for specific instructions. Sometimes they may offer specific tools to remove the app. In the case that the app is causing problems and you can’t uninstall it, you may want to consider resetting your computer, which makes fix performance and other existing issues. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.