Although, Windows already has a large collection of keyboard shortcuts, Microsoft will continue to add features and new shortcuts will be introduced. For example, on Windows 10, the software giant is introducing virtual desktops, which is a feature that allows users to group tasks more logically and separate work from personal tasks. Microsoft calls the feature Virtual Desktops and the button to access it appears on the taskbar next to Cortana. However, the new virtual desktops features has a hand-full of keyboard shortcuts you can use to speed up productivity:

Windows key + Tab: This keyboard shortcut activates Task View and it allow you to get access to the running apps and virtual desktops. Once executed the shortcut, it’s safe to release both keys as the Task View will remain open. Windows key + Ctrl + Left | Windows key + Ctrl + Right:  Allows you to move between desktops. Windows key + Ctrl + D:  Creates a new virtual desktop. Windows key + Ctrl + F4: Closes the active virtual desktop and running apps will migrate to the remaining desktop.

Now, it will be times when you already have too many apps running on a desktop and you may want move apps to a new virtual desktop. Windows 10 doesn’t have a keyboard shortcut to do this, so you’ll have to open the Task View, right-click the app from the list, select Move to, and select the desktop (e.g., Desktop 1). The same operation has to be done for app you want to move.

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