If you’ve not been following the development of version 1903, you can check this updated guide with all the changes and features the Windows team is planning to roll out during spring. In case you missed it, you can also download the pick of the week theme: Field of Poppies to refresh your desktop.

Tech tips

This week, you also learned a number of tips to get the most out of Windows 10, including the steps to enable “Windows Sandbox” to test untrusted applications without affecting your current installation. We looked at the steps to use File Explorer with friendly dates to view date and time of files and folders. If you’re tired of using the same color for the mouse pointer, in this guide, you now know the steps to change the pointer to any color you like. In addition, you now know the steps to enable and try the new dark theme coming soon to Google Chrome. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.