One of the most important changes is that with Windows 10, Microsoft will now be pushing updates faster than before, we’re already seeing this with the build 9860 release, and even though we don’t have a set schedule for every new update we do have the “ring progression”. Microsoft explains that every day a new Windows 10 build is compiled and sent out to the “Canary ring”, then Operating System Group (OSG) is the first on test this new build. Once they validate the code stability, the build is sent out to the Microsoft group with tens of thousands people to test the more stable bits. Finally, after the build is proven to be stable, it’s sent out to the Windows Insider Fast and later to the Windows Insider Slow (all of us).

With that short explanation about how the ring progression works, you’ll notice that in PC settings, under Update and recovery, there is an entry new to Windows 10 called “Preview builds”. Here is where you go to update your system to the latest Windows 10 build, but starting with build 9860, you can now choose how fast a new build are made available to you. By default it’s set to “Slow”, meaning that you’ll get a version of Windows that is more stable and complete every time. But if you’re a power-user and you want to get your hands on the new bits faster, you can change this setting to “Fast”. Just remember you’ll get a new version of Windows 10, but Fast means more bugs and less stable code.

Don’t forget to check my full Windows 10 and Threshold coverage. Are you running the latest version of Windows 10? Which “Preview builds” option are you using: Slow or Fast? All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.