Although, the software maker is making available a new preview of Windows 10 Mobile, Microsoft warns that there are a few known issues that everyone should be aware of before installing build 10512. Below, you’ll find the list with all the official known issues for this release of the mobile operating system:

Mobile hotspot doesn’t work in this build. When sharing the Internet from your phone using Mobile Hotspot, devices will fail to get a valid IP address from your phone and will show no internet access. Two-factor authentication for your MSA with a phone number doesn’t work in this build. If you reset your phone and go through the first run experience, you won’t be able to input more than 2 characters for validating phone or text authentication. If you have a secondary email for two-factor authentication – you can choose that. As a workaround, add secondary email for two-factor authentication. Some phones might spend a long time in the post update migration experience – just let the phone sit and it should complete this migration. Apps that use background audio such as Groove, Podcast, Pandora, etc. will crash when launching after receiving an app update from the Store. Rebooting the device will resolve this issue. Some phones with a large number of tiles pinned to the Start screen may get stuck in a state where the device shows “Loading…”; the device will need to be reset or rolled back to Windows Phone 8.1 using Windows Phone Recovery Tool. Some apps may fail to update through the Store with the error code 0x80073cf9; uninstalling the application and reinstalling it will resolve this issue. The Movies & TV app will not work in this build (video playback is currently broken).

Not everything is bad news, you can also check here what’s new in Windows 10 Mobile build 10512, as the company has already released Windows 10 for desktop, now it can shift focus to the mobile operating system. Another thing to keep in mind is that Microsoft isn’t including the Insider Hub app with this releases, but the app will make a comeback soon. Even though, there still a few things that aren’t working in the latest version, it’s another release that get us closer to the final release, which it should arrive sometime in September. As always with pre-release versions, you should be aware that the operating system is not ready for daily use, and the previews are meant for testing purposes, as such it’s not recommended to install a pre-releases version of the operating system in your primary phone.  Source Microsoft  All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.