Windows 10 now also lets you snap up to four apps making use of all corners, making the operating system more suitable to work with multiple applications.

Perhaps the most important change is the new Snap Assist, which as the name implies is a helper that will appear when you have multiple windows open and you start using snapping. While dragging a new window to either one of the corners of the screen, Snap Assist will be triggered suggesting what to snap next with a list of apps you can choose from.

Snap view in Windows 10 also understands how to snap apps. Let me explain: Before you could only snap up to two apps, each one using half size of the screen. Now you can snap and resize an app using 75% of the screen and the following app you snap will automatically fill the remaining 25%.

Like in previous versions of Windows, you still can the use  + Arrows to snap, but now you can use left and right, up and down arrows to snap in all corners. The only problem with the new Snap view in the Technical Preview is that it doesn’t always play well with Universal apps, as some of them won’t fit in one of the quadrant, like the Windows Store. I also notice that Snap Assist doesn’t triggered using the arrow keys, only when dragging apps to the corners. And Universal apps won’t snap while they are in Full screen mode. How do you like the improvements on Snap view? All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.