Perhaps one thing you’ll notice right away is that both, the new Settings page and Action Center look identical to the Settings app and Action Center currently being develop for the version of Windows 10. Structure is the same, icons are the same, and even the buttons in the notification are the same.

This is how the Settings app and Action Center looks like in Windows 10:

The leaked screenshots, if genuine, are from “Windows 10 Technical Preview for phones build 8.15.12493”. The images look very authentic and I don’t see a reason why they shouldn’t be, everything is in place to what we know the operating system will look like.

— Kiran Kanade ➐ (@s1z33) February 5, 2015 Microsoft has yet officially to confirm the release date of the first preview of Windows 10 for phones, but it will be sometime this month. Windows Phone users can already download and install the Windows Phone Insider app to test the early build when it releases. Source Twitter All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.