It seems that Microsoft have finally realized that the money isn’t in Windows itself, instead the money is on making the operating system freely available allowing cloud services be more easily accessible to everyone, while boosting Windows 9 adoption by many folds. It only makes sense, this new strategy will help the company to reduce the market of obsolete software such as Windows XP and other previous version of the operating system like Windows Vista, which wasn’t the best and hasn’t been well received by customers, and the beloved Windows 7, which still rolling strong. Microsoft may well lose money, but let’s also keep in mind there still plenty other substantial sources of revenue such as from the enterprise products, Office 365, Xbox, OneDrive and many other. Windows 9 is scheduled to release on spring 2015, but the company is expected to make available a Windows “Threshold” preview before the end of the year. The rumor has it that there could also be a second release before the general availability. SEE ALSO: Windows Threshold: new flat desktop design, interactive taskbar, and Cortana At the end it seems that Microsoft could finally get “one Windows” running on all devices. What do you think about the plan? Will you upgrade your operating system if Microsoft makes Windows 9 free? Let us know in the comments below. Update: As it was pointed out to me, I just want to make it absolutely clear that if Microsoft makes Windows 9 a free update, it will be only for home users, businesses and others will still have to pay to move to the next version of the operating system. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.