Early today a German website published several screenshots from an early release of Windows 9 that Microsoft made available to top partners. And the images are very real. The operating system is labeled as “Windows Technical Preview” version 6.4 (9834.0.140908-0936.FBL_PARTNER_EEAP), which means that this build has been compiled on September 8, 2014. The screenshots also show and confirms several of the rumors that has been circulating for a while. For example, we now can see that the new Start menu and Metro-style apps now float in the desktop. Also you can notice that Microsoft has chosen to go with very thin borders around the edges of apps and throughout the operating system. In the leak images for build 9834 the Start menu seems to be fully integrated and it looks like a combination from the old Windows 7 Start menu with the Start screen in Windows 8. Though there are some changes, for example, the power button now appears on the top next to the user name. To the right you’ll notice the Live Tiles in the same way you’ll find them in the Start screen. The leak only shows two rows of Live Tiles, but for what I understand, you will be able to expand beyond two rows. Like in the old Start menu, you get access to Search and All Apps. And if you’re in All Apps, you can easily right-click an app form the list access different options, such as Open, Uninstall, Unpin from Start and Pin to taskbar.

SEE ALSO: This is how the new Start Menu will work in Windows 9 Windows 8 apps now show a modified tittle bar with the “App Command” […] menu that access the Charms (Search and Share) and other settings (Play, Print, Project, Settings), and there is even a “Full Screen” option that I can only assume is to full screen apps in their totality like you see today in Metro apps.

The taskbar doesn’t show much improvement as previously rumored to be more interactive, but it shows a search button and a button to access the virtual desktops, as well as we can also see that the “File Explorer” has a new more flatten icons, and the screenshots also show a redesigned jump list. In “Computer” you can start noticing that Microsoft is going with flat icons, though folders still showing the old look, but again, this is a work in progress.

As previously reported, the notification center appears in this leaked release of Widows 9, but it does not show much, only a white section titled “Notifications”. However, you’ll notice that in the system tray there is a small icon to access Notifications, which is identical to the notifications icon in Windows Phone.

Virtual desktops feature also appears in the Windows Technical Preview build 9834. The images show that virtual desktop pop above the taskbar and allows users to add or move between desktops.

Microsoft Feedback apps. Yes, this time around it seems that Microsoft will ask for your help to build a better version of Windows.

The software maker seems to be adding a new device properties in PC settings.

Though, I haven’t had the chance to download and install the preview, the screenshots shed some light of what is to come in Windows 9. However, there are other features that didn’t appear in this build, like Cortana, interactive Live Tiles and backgrounds, and Gadgets. Also there is not sign of Internet Explorer 12, the leaked build only shows IE 11. Also remember that the development is far from complete, as such everything could change at the end. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.