The exact date still unknown, for those of us who are excited to download and test the next version of Windows, we’re hoping for the release to happen during the event on September 30. But it’s likely that it could happen during the first week of October (presumably). This is not new, previously we heard from Mary Jo Foley, also a person with excellent background on correct information about Windows, said several weeks back that the release date for Windows 9 Technical Preview was going to happen between the end of September and the first days of October, and that still true today. What could be the reason for Microsoft not to release the bits on September? During the September 30 event, Microsoft plans to show the new operating system for the first time. The event is aimed to enterprises, the media will be attending, but the company won’t be live streaming the event. So we can speculate that Microsoft will release Windows Technical Preview in tiers: top partners first, which already can access the bits, enterprises on September 30, and then consumers a few days later. With Windows 9, we can technically say, it’s Windows 8.2 as the company is simply building on top of the Windows 8 foundation and not re-writing the operating system from scratch. However, we all are expecting Windows 9 to be the next best release, and labeling Windows 9 will distance the company from the Windows 8 bad vibe, and this is a good thing. There are many new features and changes that we already know are coming to Windows 9, such as a new Start menu, windowed modern apps, virtual desktops, notification center, and a lot more. For the full Windows 9 coverage, check here. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.