Apparently, Windows Blue will incorporate the ability sync user’s Start screen settings across PCs and tablets including: accent and background color, live tiles layout and sizes. Of course this syncing won’t happen magically, well… It will, but only if the user is signed-in with a Microsoft account. Furthermore, Internet Explorer 11 will also be able to take advantage of this new capability by syncing open tabs and the new Tracking Protection settings to the mighty cloud. As Rafael also mentions, the syncing could also expand to the Windows Phone. Another welcome addition to Blue will be device associations, which basically will allow users to connect, for example, a Bluetooth keyboard to a laptop and Windows will make sure that this new device pairing configuration gets sync to the Microsoft cloud. This will enable users to easily connect the same peripheral to another tablet or PC without much configuration. It is also said that Windows Blue will be able to sync other items such as:

File History Installed Apps Picture Password Tethering Input Personalization Explorer Quick Links Apps Secondary Tiles

Windows Blue public preview is coming soon Although, Blue will conserve pretty much every aspect of Windows 8 — because it is still Windows 8 –, we can already see that Microsoft is doing a huge effort to make the Windows a seamless experience across devices. And it is really exciting that everyone will soon be able to test the public preview, which is due by the end of June, and with a final release sometime in the summer 2013. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.