Stay protected and download WordPress 3.0.2 or login to your site’s Dashboard and under Updates, follow the easy steps to do an automatic update. STOP! For a second and pay attention before updating your website, and make sure to create at least a database backup or/and full WordPress backup, in case something goes wrong. If you don’t know how to backup a database or WordPress, follow this link, WordPress Backup, to learn how is done. To know about what has changed in WordPress 3.0.2 visit this page Version 3.0.2. It is great to see people who are dedicated putting the time & effort, and coming up with fixes in such a short time, for everyone to continue having an awesome experience blogging! Source WordPress News via Webblog Tools Collection All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.